Saturday, August 27, 2011

Script for New Rambo Film Completed

Screen writer Sean Hood has written the script for a new Rambo film. The current title, which might be changed before the final release is Rambo: The Last Stand. Here is a quote by Hood taken from the Hindustand Times Online:

I recently finished a first draft of Rambo: Last Stand for Millennium films, based on a story idea by Sylvester Stallone. Hopefully, Stallone will eventually have the time and the inclination to do another Rambo. I met with Stallone twice last year. He gave me a book, an older screenplay, and about twenty pages he'd written himself to use as inspiration for the last chapter of the Rambo saga. It's more in line with the small-town thriller of First Blood," said Hood.

Stallone has not committed to the film yet but let's hope he does. We all want more Rambo.

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rambo Trilogy on Blu-ray with Grenade Packaging

Rambo (Trilogy Remastered) - Case Granada Blu-ray cover reports that the Rambo trilogy is now available on Blu-ray in a special grenade case. The dvd's come with 10 hours of extra content.

Click here to check out the link to this story.

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Communications graduate with wide range of experience in broadcasting, writing, audio production, online radio hosting, voice and character acting.
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